Children & Young People

We believe that children and young people have an important place in the life of the church.  

We will do all we can to welcome them to worship and help them grow in faith.

A special group called ‘Livewires’ meets during the 11.15 service with special activities and teaching for children. 

We also offer lots of opportunities for children of all ages to gather during the week:

  • Allsorts Baby and Toddler group meet in the hall is on a Friday morning
  • St Marys Church Lads’ and Girls’ Brigade meet in purpose built Youth Centre and work with over 100 primary and secondary aged children and young people every week
  • Messy Church meets on a Sunday afternoon
  • SNG – Sunday Night Group meets every Sunday evening for young people (11+) to explore faith 
  • SNS – Saturday Night Special meets once a month as a time for our children and young people to gather and have fun