Stories in the ceiling

Come and discover the different stories that can be found in the carvings in the ceiling at St Mary’s. Learn about mythical beasts and people from history that can be found here, and tell your own stories! Also hear about the Vikings who used to live in Beverley, and how they left their mark in our town.

This workshop includes art, design, and drama. It is aimed at Key Stage 2 pupils but can be adapted for KS 1.

90 mins, for one class of pupils.

Curriculum links

Key Stage 1

Art & Design – Use drawing to share ideas and imagination.

Relationships and Health Education – Think about themselves and recognise what they are good at, and what qualities others have.

English – Writing down ideas, including new vocabulary.

History – Significant historical events, people, and places.

RE – Identify how people express their beliefs through artefacts and symbols. (N.B. Your visit can support learning in the new 2022 Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religion and Worldviews as well as the current 2016 Agreed Syllabus.)

Key Stage 2

Art & Design – Develop creativity with different materials.

Relationships and Health Education – Recognise and identify positive things about themselves and what qualities others have.

English – Identify purpose of writing and select appropriate forms.

History – Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England.

RE – Explore how people express their beliefs through artefacts and symbols. (N.B. Your visit can support learning in the new 2022 Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religion and Worldviews as well as the current 2016 Agreed Syllabus.)