Volunteering and Church Welcoming

There are many ways to support our work as a volunteer. As one of over 150 people who volunteer for us, you will be a valued part of our organisation.

You will work alongside other volunteers and staff to help us care for our wonderful church and to create a warm welcome environment for visitors and tourists.

In return for your time, abilities and energy, we will give you opportunities to develop your skills and interests, to make new friends and to contribute to your local community.

Here are some of the ways volunteers can help support our work:

  • Welcoming people to church (see below for more detail ‘Church Welcomer’)
  • Helping with education and school visits
  • Helping managing or maintaining the building
  • Fund-raising
  • Providing hospitality to visitors
  • Researching the history and background of the church.
  • Helping with general admin


More information about Church Welcoming

We have a fabulous team of Church Welcomers who allow us to keep this amazing building alive with visitors and activities.

About the role
It’s very simple really:- be present and welcome visitors.  If it is quiet, sit back and enjoy the sacred atmosphere of the building or alternatively bring a book or catch up on the news in amazing surroundings.

What’s involved?

  • An hour in church welcoming visitors and tourists
  • Becoming familiar with, and following, our Health and Safety Policy at all times. You will be given a health and safety briefing when you start and there is written guidance in the church
  • Being present in the church at all times whilst the door is open
  • For those looking after the first hour -Collecting the key from a nearby key-holder –Opening the doors and putting the welcome signs out and turning the lights on.
  • For those looking after the last hour – Locking the church when done, checking the building is empty, turning off the lights, putting away the welcome signs  and returning the key to the keyholder
  • Being part of a team and receiving invitations to monthly social gatherings.

If you want to know more about volunteering please e mail the office – [email protected]

Information, policies and procedures for volunteers (including Church Welcomers) can be found here.  The password can be obtained from the office.