This workshop includes problem solving exercises and learning about the music played by the bells at St Mary’s. It is aimed at Key Stage 2 pupils but can be adapted for KS 1.
90 mins, for one class of pupils.
Curriculum links
Relationships and Health Education – Participate in discussions and work cooperatively.
History – Significant historical events, people, and places.
Maths – Woking with numerals, addition and subtraction.
Music – Listen, play, and experiment with instruments.
RE – Exploring a place of worship. (N.B. Your visit can support learning in the new 2022 Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religion and Worldviews as well as the current 2016 Agreed Syllabus.)
Relationships and Health Education – Think about people living in other times.
History – A local history study.
Maths – Solving number and practical problems, including using Roman numerals.
Music – Listen, play, and improvise with instruments.
RE – Exploring a place of worship. (N.B. Your visit can support learning in the new 2022 Locally Agreed Syllabus for Religion and Worldviews as well as the current 2016 Agreed Syllabus.)